Recent content by MrStopLoss

  1. M

    Review of

    Agreed. It's comical reading.
  2. M

    Review of

    I want a gold star, too, please. Being top isn't enough.
  3. M

    Review of

    He said on Twitter he called two winning short trades live in his room. This clearly didn't happen from what you can see on the screen shot and therefore what he said on his public Twitter account was a lie. You seem to want to defend that he doesn't lie when it's clear he deliberately doesn't.
  4. M

    Review of

    Are you deliberately ignoring what I am saying? IT'S NOT ABOUT THE LIVE TWEETS. The screen shot I posted of his live room shows he is lying. What he says and does in there isn't what he puts on Twitter to attract new people. You stick up for him far too much considering how bent he is.
  5. M

    Review of

    This isn't about following Trades on Twitter. Obviously that's stupid. It's about warning people off from someone who provides a dishonest service. Again, what about this screen shot? Just an 'error' or a lie? He lies and lives in la-la land day after day.
  6. M

    Review of

    Pick holes in a blatant lie? Have you actually seen today's market and compared to what he said? Or just wanted to defend him without actually reading it? He says, at 08:09 - "As per the tweets am small long the ftse at 00 will add at 94 with stop at 80 if needed but I expect a bit down and...
  7. M

    Review of

    Check out his private Twitter feed (top to bottom left to right). It's incoherent babble. How anyone would continue to pay for this is beyond me. Checkout the highlighted box. He says he was long from 6400 today even though the market hasn't been there today. He then 'scales in' at 62 and...
  8. M

    Review of

    Record keeping is one thing, how about his blatant lies like in my screen shot?
  9. M

    Review of

    I left FTSEday last month. He lies and I can't blame the guys who left as they were good and carrying the place. Checkout these pictures - the dishonesty speaks for itself.