Recent content by mpa

  1. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    Hi Anley. Just heard from my friend that he has received an e-mail from Fisher Capital stating that 'Amazon Gold Ventures has been bought out by 'Black Hawk'. And that he should wait for their call. The letter , pdf e-mail, was signed by George Spencer. Another day, another scam, another...
  2. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    You are so right.Thank you for all you info. Its been a real education. Thanks. mpa.
  3. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    Hi Anley, thanks for your efforts. I've forwarded your message on to James. I feel so awful for the poor bugger. I feel absolutely gutted. I mostly buy shares, and very seldom sell any. These shares are in Australian Banks (CBA and NAB), I drive past them every time I go to the city. They go up...
  4. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    Can anyone tell me if Amazon Gold Ventures Limited actually exists, and whether or not it has been issued a "Frankfurt Stock Exchange" code AVN. And if so how legit is this company. Thanks. mpa.
  5. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    Hey Wil, thanks for the 'we can help' site. I'll keep you in the loop. Cheers. MPA.
  6. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    Anley you need to write a book of short horror stories. You guys are right, university smarts are no challenge for street smarts. My friend, lets call him James, went to uni with me in the UK. He got top marks every year. He and his wife have been good friends with my wife and I since then...
  7. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    Thanks Anley. I spoke with my friend about an hour ago and he has actually had a call from 'Fisher Capital' and his 'broker' said everything is going according to plan HOWEVER they have a few kinks to work out so can't pay the money just yet. Should be about another week. For what it's worth the...
  8. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    re: fisher capital south korea. OMG. A good friend of mine has invested in a company called Amazon Gold Ventures Limited through these guys. His wife is recovering from cancer and he desperate to fund her recovery. You guessed it, he put every last cent with them. Today is the day he is suposed...