Recent content by mitch101

  1. M

    Just for fun

    Hi, mjcp Can I ask which spread bet firm you are using, which charts and where can I view them? Would you mind elaborating a bit on your methodology? Thanks
  2. M


    Could someone kindly provide a link to trader_dante's "making money trading" thread as I have searched and can't find it. Thanks
  3. M


    Ok, I'll be interested to see how you do. Can you elaborate on your intended method / system?
  4. M

    After digging a little deeper I found this which indicates it is a scam: skeltoac Marl the Stock Robot: Scam? So many fools. Jeees. There is no Marl!!! Period. Check some of those Stocks listed on with and you will see There is few of them and they been...
  5. M

    Does anyone know if these guys are legit? It's a tipster type service for a one off $47. "WARNING: Do Not Read This Unless You Are Already Rich!" $6k trade video: Day Trading Robot
  6. M

    Best Thread How To Make Money Trading The Markets.

    Please can someone tell me if it would be possible to apply the strategies detailed here using a bank of £250?