Recent content by mikelorrey

  1. M

    Breaking News Bitcoin will be listed on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

    If you can package those assets up into smart contracts, more power to you. However, the market will decide what they are worth.
  2. M

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Joined a while back, but just started posting. Primary interest these days is cryptocurrencies. I worked with Nick Szabo in the 1998-2005 period on our bitGold concept which eventually evolved with others work into what is now bitcoin. By the time the Satoshi paper came out, I was off into VR...
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    Breaking News Bitcoin will be listed on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

    Naked shorting? This is what concerns people in crypto markets. The fiat markets have far more liquidity and market cap than crypto does. The hedge funds are completely ignoring rules against naked shorting, and will bat BTC around.