Recent content by mgreen

  1. M

    Spread Betting Bubble?

    The s/betting firms will know who the problem gamblers are, they will know who loses how much and how often. Not sure that they would volunteer this information to the surveys though...
  2. M

    Spread Betting Bubble?

    Potentially winnable is correct but the addictive part is more due to the nature of markets and the delivery online. According to the Times article it was noted that 4 in 5 lose. This government would like the UK to be gambling capital of Europe, not sure effective regulation of anything to do...
  3. M

    Spread Betting Bubble?

    According to the 2007 Gambling Prevalance study, the biggest in the UK, up to 15% of those who engage in spread betting develop a serious gambling problem, as against 1% fir other types of gambling. The nature of spread betting, instant action, voltaility, use of internet/mobile phones lends...