Recent content by metalman73

  1. M

    Gold - Commodity or currency?

    With the current money printing (both paper and virtual) that the Federal reserve is doing, it is definitely making the matter worse. What you have to consider is that our monetary system and federal deficit are technically two separate matters. Recently an audit was perform (pushed by Ron...
  2. M

    Gold - Commodity or currency?

    IMO depends on the current culture. Right now I'd say it's 80% commodity (jewelry and industrial use), and 20% currency. When (you'll notice I didn't say 'if') we have an financial apocolypse, it will become about 99% currency. Actually silver will be a huge currency too. There is more of it...
  3. M

    is it Better to Purchase All @ One Time or Space Out the Purchase?

    While I'm a newb to this forum and researching trading online, I've actually been goofing around with stocks for several years. I have one company where I buy a massive amount of stock, but I find selling in smaller portions to be wiser. I'm fully aware that I'm probably breaking lots of...
  4. M

    The fate of a trader

    I'm totally new here. When it comes to trading, I'm a newb too. Simple buy low, sell high-just one company. I realize I'm probably going about it all wrong but...... I haven't read this whole thread so there's probably stuff I've missed. My insight is from learning the hard way. I'm in...