Recent content by mathsLAD

  1. M

    Eclipse Options Interview HELLPPPP

    Well congratulations. Yeah I hope so. A conversion rate of 4/16 then; so we each have 25% chance at this stage - not bad! I'll update this forum when I hear anything. Good luck.
  2. M

    Eclipse Options Interview HELLPPPP

    I was just told you'll hear back by Friday. I am aware after talking to PropSeeker that they had a testing session in Paris today, so I am sure we'll hear early next week. How many made it through to interviews in your session?
  3. M

    Eclipse Options Interview HELLPPPP

    I was told the same thing but no response either. When was your testing session?
  4. M

    Eclipse Options Interview HELLPPPP

    They had testing sessions for 3 days in London, 22nd-24th (today). My session had 7, including myself, so assuming the same for the other days, 21 in total. I think they are looking to recruit 4-5 trainee traders. However only 4, made it past the tests and had the interview with HR; so lets...
  5. M

    Eclipse Options Interview HELLPPPP

    Yo, I had it yesterday. 5 tests; they said the first one is compulsory you pass but they let you sit all the tests anyway, one by one. So i guess if you are in a grey area on the maths test and do well on the others you're fine. Good Luck!