Recent content by Market41010atmarket

  1. M


    Not sure on the numbers, but have met some of their traders and they seem to like the set up
  2. M

    Yield curve Model in Excel

    I would if the 'institutions' firewall would let me
  3. M

    Yield curve modelling

    Thanks for your help. I would probably rather build it myself, so a heads up on a decent book would be good news. However if this fails, which is highly possible I would probably seek professional help!! So any contacts would be good news. Thanks
  4. M

    Yield curve modelling

    Hello, thanks for your eply, I wan to feed off my bloomie into excel, im looking at the relationship between rates and futures short to long end. Euribor , Short sterling, Eurodollars. Also looking at 2-5-10 yrs.
  5. M

    Yield curve Model in Excel

    Looking for a yield curve model (excel) anyone got one or know where i can find one?
  6. M

    Yield curve modelling

    Does anyone have or know where i could get an excel yield curve model
  7. M

    Trading Arcade In Dubai

    Theres plenty going on over there, The DME Oman crude contract is going to be big in a few years.
  8. M

    Derivative- Operations

    take your fsa exams, then go for a job
  9. M

    CNBC Radio

    I like this, I got on a 2 wk trial from a mate who works there
  10. M

    City Network:

    count me in for the next one
  11. M

    reuters news text to speech

    Hi Chris, Bloomie has a speech option on the major figs, nfp, cpi etc but we have found it slow. We use Sigma Squawk. They usually give a free trial for 2 weeks. I have a friend who trades through their London office, he can get the trial set up for...
  12. M

    Trading Arcade In Dubai

    Did you guys know there's a new Energy exchange opening in dubai Q2 this yr?