Recent content by lloydbee

  1. lloydbee

    IS this Karen Supertrader story legit?

    He's not her broker, and why 'egg on his face'?
  2. lloydbee

    IS this Karen Supertrader story legit?

    Go to and search their old files.
  3. lloydbee

    Does It Ever End?

    Seeing you are in the US you CAN NOT go past TDAmeritrade/Thinkorswim. Do yourself a favour and sign up to and sign up to TDA/TOS via them, it will help the team at Tastytrade/Dough out and there is also plenty there for you to watch and learn. The comms rates you will get via Dough...
  4. lloydbee

    Does It Ever End?

    Forget about big money fast (big rewards is just big risk), let your money slowly grow while you are busy with your other jobs and learning. Options are by far the best product for this IMHO for several reasons.
  5. lloydbee

    I would like to ask the experienced traders

    As an Options only trader, I typically wont enter a new position on a Monday maybe more so out of my own indecisions about market direction and feel for the week ahead but I am happy to hold positions over the weekend and even several weeks at times depending on my strategy and trade idea.
  6. lloydbee

    Paper trade options without funding?

    the best there is for options trading. I have used them since about '09 and no one compares or gets close.
  7. lloydbee

    Paper trade options without funding?

    double post
  8. lloydbee

    Paper trade options without funding?

    It seems you missed the best broker out there for Options, TDAmeritrade or Thinkorswim (same same) there is also the lamer OptionsXpress
  9. lloydbee

    How to Start Your Own Hedge Fund

    So what is the best way to get a LLC up and running? Is it worth using a service and take the gamble they don't hide things or later popup the hidden charges of items needed or is it really easily done online? any thoughts as it is time...
  10. lloydbee

    option axiom

    waaaa ha ha ha is he f*ing serious.. 2 days for $15k who in their right mind would pay $15k for 2 days of crap... No one is going to learn squat in 2 days (quoted from his website) Live 1 on 1 Mentorship This 2-day live Mentorship is for the serious minded individual dedicated to becoming...
  11. lloydbee

    option axiom

    This is a great read and deserves to be *bump*
  12. lloydbee

    CLM Forex and GoMarkets??

    there is plenty of complaints online about gomarkets
  13. lloydbee

    Best/Favourite Broker(Reputable) in Australia or New Zealand?

    what are you saying? we are all a bunch of shipped out convicts? :cheesy: or is this one of those whinging pom moments?
  14. lloydbee

    Why is the rouble in trouble?

    ummm, because corrupt western officials are busy indulging in financial warfare tactics upon the Russian Federation because that way they can mask it or cover it up through the use of their just as corrupt puppet media rather than heading to Russia with a physical attack? My guess :innocent: