Recent content by leonice

  1. L

    China stock market will bear for a long time

    although, it may not tank as much as us does
  2. L

    The future of Forex trading

    why print it out...just keep it all electronic
  3. L

    Don't start with real money!

    :lol: a good one
  4. L

    Trader training/learning

    Nobody successful will probably take you one on one. Consider learning to trade by yourself. Learning part is not that difficult. Applying that knowledge, where one on one can't help you anyway, is.
  5. L

    Current Charts you find interesting

    graph above shows great trading range - probably will brake the way it came in - to the down side
  6. L

    Commodity trading

    I liked MB Trading for very small accounts and low commissions.
  7. L

    Not Totally New to Trading

    I used Interactive Brokers for number of years for trading varieties of financial instruments. They were fine.
  8. L

    Can I trade?

    Of course they can find it out if you do it on a company computer and company network.
  9. L

    Where can i paper trade?

    I like FXPro demo.
  10. L

    Failed newbie

    I think that you should get better before even starting to trade again. Ninja platform is expensive and not for someone just starting out There are a lot other options out that do not charge you platform fees. I would consider them.
  11. L

    Trading full time

    Now that sounds interesting. In reality, trading can be very lonesome game, so clubs and forums sound really cool to me right now.
  12. L

    My new trading setup

    I don't see any cpu - are all four screens connected to one cpu? looks really nice by the way
  13. L

    The future of Forex trading

    no chance of one single global currency anytime during our lifetime...even many countries that use euro may not be able to keep it with all the debt they have/
  14. L

    Easiest way to double your money in 9 months

    I actually do like good sf
  15. L

    What is the true definition of a stop loss order?

    that's what is referred to as a slippage