Recent content by Late-4

  1. L

    RabbitTrading / Late-4 - Journal

    Hi All, The purpose of this journal is to share some individual trades that are especially interesting and hard to share with 140 letters on Twitter. After the publication of RabbitTrading website, the blog will be moved there. I want to share a trade I took on friday and closed today for a...
  2. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi DT, I've thought about this a lot and mainly because of my style of trading I've decided to set aside prop trading and focus on my new signal service. That way I get to do what I do best and not get distracted or carried away and start over-trading or trading too big etc... 44 trades is a...
  3. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi Bramp, I've done quite well. I have traded successfully and consistently for a few years now even though my monthly gains are more like 1.5-2%. No losing months, but yes breakeven ones. You can see my twitter @rabbitSignals if you like. There I try to post every trade I take. August 2015 I...
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    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi Risto, Looks shady to me at a first glance. Have you tried these out? -Late-4
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    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi rawrschach, You make a good point. At a prop firm only way I could trade would be if I was given a chance to trade my own style. I've heard prop firm managers are not big fans of that as want action day in, day out. My target now is to get some followers on Twitter and keep public track...
  6. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi Uranus, I have a track record of almost 2 years now. Look at the start date of the thread.
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    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi Wallstreet, Glad things are working for you. For me, trading a loan wouldn't work. That would affect my psychology and make do bad decisions. I'm pretty sure I in the end of the month, I would be seeing potential trades where there is none if I was trading a loan and down for the month...
  8. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    An old post that got my attention I read the thread again 1,5 years later. I use only myfxbook, mql5 and forex factory to automatically track my MT4 actions. Don't you think those are enough? What do you mean by decent pro metrics? -Lauri
  9. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Just to let you know I was asked to join a new 'prop' firm about a year ago that was supposed to connect traders through internet and trade the firms money. I joined with a thought that as long as I don't send my money or credit card credentials anywhere I'm safe. So I joined with caution just...
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    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    That maybe something I am looking for. I will contact them after I get my record and let you know what happened!
  11. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Thanks Dionysys, that makes sense to me.
  12. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi DionysusToast, I trade off the daily, 4h and 1h timeframes. I trade 2 strategies both 100% based on TA. Other one is a trend following system and the other is based on price action. On average I take 2-3 trades / week. Holding time depends on the timeframe the trade is based. From few...
  13. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi ffsear, What do you mean by the risk? That firm looks like good place to apply. Simple and good-looking website at least.
  14. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    I started with forex too but I quickly expanded to other markets. Basic TA works well throughout all markets. I will let you know!
  15. L

    Is a good track record enough for market maker prop firms/hedge funds?

    Hi zbojnik! Good to hear. I trade over 100 markets including futures, forex and equities. I haven't contacted any prop firms yet. I will start contacting when I get my full record. To bad there arent any here in Finland. Where are you looking for those firms? Good luck!