Recent content by kipptrader

  1. K

    1 minute historical futures data

    I have used their data in the past. No data source is "perfect" but no big complaints with the symbols I was testing at the time, mainly metals & energy. What symbols are you specifically looking to test?
  2. K

    1 minute historical futures data

    $10,000? Ouch! Did you check out Disk Trading? However, the contracts are continuous, not individual.
  3. K

    Looking for equity EOD Feed

    For eod data, you can't go wrong with TC2000 from worden. I have used it for over a decade. I found yahoo eod has too many problems and errors. Plus TC2000 is supported natively by many trading packages and can also export price data as ascii-text.
  4. K

    IB data pacing violations too much aggro - recommend another data source for forex?

    I would go with eSignal or IQFeed. Your final choice depends on the markets you require; eSignal has more feeds.
  5. K

    Well that would explain why the site is dead.
  6. K

    Site is still dead. I tell you; he packed up with your money. See screen capture below:
  7. K

    Looks like he left town with your money... is dead.
  8. K

    S&P 500 Historical Data

    Try these links for S&P futures (ES) or S&P Index (SP): (use F.US.EP) (under market) (under futures or indicies) The PREM indicator was a little difficult to find, but try the 2nd link...
  9. K

    Historical Intraday Data for Individual UK Equities

    I think IQFeed also offers UK Stocks.
  10. K

    Need historical intraday data, suggestions?

    Let me be more specific: unlike grain that does NOT include volume at all, kibot's volume field is included, just don't use or rely on it as they are kown to be unreliable. Do your research and compare for your needs, but from personal use, I would lean toward pitrading or grainresearch.
  11. K

    How long should I be spending on paper trading?

    I still use paper logs for some system tracking :)
  12. K

    want to trade for someone who has money

    I should add track record is even more important in this choppy (to down) market.
  13. K

    want to trade for someone who has money

    Big money has no problems with someone running their money (pushing buttons), but the track record is the important factor.
  14. K

    Metatrader to Metastock

    Quickly reviewing the '90%Success Rate' source, you will find it difficult going to Metastock. Porting from MetaStock to other platforms is easier than to Metastock. Metastock has too many limitations on how entry and exit rules.