Recent content by Jumpin

  1. J

    Deal4free / CMC

    Because I want to inform people of the problems. And I did not mean to infer that you weren't successful because you are still using them, you may not have encounted the problems others have because of your trading method.
  2. J

    Deal4free / CMC

    Probably why you haven't seen the problems with them up to now. Succesful traders rapidly move to better companies
  3. J

    Newbie Software Requirements

    Surely the connection is far more important that the computer, RAM, etc., In the past I have had lots of screens, two computers running but connnetion was poor and missed several trades because of it. That and instant access to 'human' dealer is priority as far as I am concerned for trading
  4. J

    Please help boost my confidence in Spread Betting

    tommog, you aren't using d4f are you? Unless you are shorting or indices betting, perhaps might be better to actually buy the shares? that way you can at least offset your losses. You have to pay a big spread with spreadbetting so that alone eats into your potential gains
  5. J

    Igor May be Finished

    Institutions don't like level playing fields!
  6. J


    Be careful, don't daytrade with spreadbetters,.... the spead is terrible and you need to be a fantastic trader just to break even.
  7. J

    What is CFD?

    If you are such a novice don't touch CFDs... you will end up completely broke
  8. J

    Using CFD to short

    You are laughing if you do that! ;)
  9. J

    Using CFD to short

    But they do tend to go down a lot faster than they go up!
  10. J

    Using CFD to short

    Sell and hold, fine as long as it doesn't go up.. some shares actually DO go up! Then you can run into margin problems very fast if you don't watch out
  11. J


    Have you got what looks like a square modem socket (sometimes comes with a flap)?
  12. J


    Probably easier to get a router, but possible to buy a crossover cable if both computers have a network (ethernet) port and the computer that connects to the internet will share the connection but both have to be on at the same time
  13. J

    Recomended books on UK shares

    The FTSE 100 has a quarterly review so books could get out of date very fast! It isn't like say the Dow where there is very little change over the years. A good place to start for information about companies /indices/sectors et.
  14. J

    Which is the best Spread bet broker and why

    Yes agree with that, long term spreadbetting better, daytrading use direct no question
  15. J

    Which is the best Spread bet broker and why

    Avoid at all costs CMC alias Deal4Free