Recent content by jackj

  1. J

    Understanding HOW stocks trend

    let's be careful out there... Lots of Guru's, lot's of snake oil salesmen.....
  2. J

    Share Attack by Malcolm Stacey - Free Review Copy Offer

    Review copy Hi I would like a free paperback if still available? Thanks
  3. J

    Choosing intraday stocks

    Chris, you could have a look at It gives realtime alerts and can be configured to give you what you are after (so they say). I've been using it for a few weeks now. They have a sort of free trial but unfortunately it doesn't give all the alerts but does give you an...
  4. J

    Advertising or trading threads?

    Humble input Sometime back, I joined this site. Wanted to be a daytrader. Found a snakeoil salesman on this site who was happy to take my money, I tell you, the snake oil cost me far more than the extortionate fee I paid! It took me off in the wrong direction, a bit of time to recover, lost a...
  5. J

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Hello Alexbarsa1 I normally lurk on this site and don't post. Your post reminds me of where I was a while back. I assume you already have a trading plan which includes the set-ups you want to use on which particular criteria of stocks etc etc. You have studied patterns, times and market tick...
  6. J


    thanks GJ, yes you spell out good reasons for going in this direction. The only problem is I know virtually nothing about networking (or computing in general). I have a XP PC, an old laptop, an ADSL modem. From what I've seen so far I think I have a network connection (or 2?) on the PC but not...
  7. J


    Jumpin, the laptops got a normal modem socket (plug-in a telephone line for dial-up connection). Rogue, under network adaptors, the laptop has a "dial-up adaptor" and "IBM thinkpad fast infrared port". The PC has a "compaq NC3120 fast ethernet NIC" (on PCI slot, I think I put it in when I put...
  8. J


    Thanks rogue. My laptop is a few years old now, don't know if it has a card and can't find anything exploring around it. This sounds like I need specialist help! Maybe best to just get another screen instead, I have room for one more.
  9. J


    Thanks folks for the prompt reply, sounds like router is the way to go. Good points raised. Can you advise on what LAN is (know it means local area network but thats all). Will I need network cards for laptop and PC and what else will I need in terms of hardware and software (apart from...
  10. J


    Hello Traders My first post although I've been looking in for a while. I currently have a multi-monitor set-up from a single XP PC, operates fine. I have ADSL from Nildram running through a Zyxel modem (USB connection). I would now like to also hook up my laptop (windows 98, one USB port) to the...