Recent content by guster

  1. G

    Help on Qualifications

    hey ecstasy - well from what you've written, it sounds like spanish would be an obvious choice, you're definitely going to need to be fluent if you plan on living in Spain for 3 years. Other than that, I might also suggest accounting. That's helpful in any type of finance or business situation...
  2. G

    Raw Food and other diets: place-holder for discussion

    I think there are particular health benefits to the raw, organic, vegan dietary lifestyles. But if someone is looking, in general, to improve their health and knowledge on a balanced lifestyle then I think just following the food pyramid is a great start. Simply substituting more vegetables and...
  3. G

    Rules of dating

    I don't think there should be set "rules" on dating. I think each situation is different. However, I do think that on the first, or first few, dates then guy should pay. Otherwise, it seems very situational - maybe it is a special ocassion and one or the other wants to treat each other for it...
  4. G

    There is no such thing as love

    First of all, love is not just between a man and woman. There are so many different forms of love - love for objects, family, friends, pets, etc. Then there is the difference between love and being in love. You can love someone, caring about them and liking them, but not be in love with them in...