Recent content by Gullivers

  1. G

    Fundamental Analysis UK Housing Boom – Is the Party Over?

    BBC NEWS | Business | Surveyors warn of home sales fall Sorry to say, the Sun is finally about to set on the Great Empire! Certainly Jay Lakhani's article was an eye opnener, it was not scare monegering as some earlier posts suggests I think the reality is with us - like it or not We are...
  2. G

    Fundamental Analysis UK Housing Boom – Is the Party Over?

    40% decline - thats what the surveyors are saying! Panic has not yet set in, when that happens all hell will break lose! - It could be more than 40% where are all the pros and gurus who said Britain is different! Well Soros does not think so, and he knows his stuff. Forget recession - we...
  3. G

    Fundamental Analysis UK Housing Boom – Is the Party Over?

    well well well................................. House prices inflation had a biggest monthly fall in 25 years My house is up for sale - 4 months and not a single offer guess the party is over