Recent content by FranP

  1. F

    Cost of spread betting

    Intellitrend / Intellitrend250 bjseed If you search for Intellitrend250 you will find more threads. :confused: FranP
  2. F

    intellitrend250 query

    An email advertising Intelli-Trend250 also found its way into my inbox and so I immediately turned to the T2W forums to find out more. There is another thread at which highlights the cost and suggests that even if...
  3. F

    Simple Charting Package that can read from SQL DB

    SQLyog twalker, Further to Stew's note might SQLyog be of any use? See A 3-step approach might work:- 1. Use SQLyog to import the SQL source data into MySQL. 2. Use SQLyog to slice and dice the data as required and export into CSV...