Recent content by ew83

  1. E

    To learn the trading ropes or stay out

    Really????? I simply am asking experienced traders some advice on if I should learn to day trade since my current methods aren't working well for me. The whole 10% gain is not on every trade, I was simply asking if I should switch investing timeframes and take shorter losses and smaller gains.
  2. E

    To learn the trading ropes or stay out

    By no means am I a guru making 10-15% profits on every trade but what has been happening consistently is that I'm buying on the breakout and the stock runs up for a day or two and then collapses beneath my buy point and I end up selling around a 5% loss. I think IBD is a good system, I'm just...
  3. E

    To learn the trading ropes or stay out

    Hello all, this is my first post and trade2win and I need some advice if I should continue with my thoughts on learning to trade or if I should abandon it and continue with my buy and hold mentality. Backstory: I live in the US and have been maxing out my Roth IRA accounts every year...