Recent content by Empiricist

  1. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    As I said above - Binary Options are a Hoax! Binary Options are a Hoax! read why! This is because whatever you are supposedly "trading" is never traded or executed into any real exchange or live market! There are never any real prices (bid or offer) quoted. There are never any execution or fill...
  2. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    Now there is an oximoron: "Broker" & "Reputable" The two terms are mutually exclusive are they not? Only kidding. Seriously, there are many doddgy rip off brokers out there, just look at the gigantic scam by Ultimate4trading / EZTrader (above). If you removed all the dodgy Market Maker...
  3. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    Binary Options are a Hoax! read why! This is because whatever you are supposedly "trading" is never traded or executed into any real exchange or live market! There are never any real prices (bid or offer) quoted. There are never any execution or fill prices quoted from any exchange by the...
  4. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    SCAM ultimate4trading is a TOTAL scam on an industrial scale - see links below ultimate4trading, preditrend and trading30elode are identical fake sites in 3 x different languages They are a GIANT scam on an industrial scale. The amount of work and cost to create all this is...
  5. E

    Boiler Room Scams

    Ultimate4Trading - the 21st Century Boiler Room Speaking of Boiler Rooms, here is the next incarnation. the 21st Centurt version, done in the Internet! Ultimate4Trading is a total SCAM so is EZTrader......BEWARE!! I first found out about Ultimate4Trading via a an online pop up advert. As an...
  6. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    Ultimate4Trading is a HOAX created by Eztrader Here are photos of the UK, Italian & French founderteams who supposedly all invented the same algorithm at the same time! They are all actors! does not actuallly exist! does not actually exist...
  7. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    EZTRADER SCAM - Two teams of Founders in Italy & UK Here are the two bogus teams of actors portayed in the respective videos from Italy & UK. Both teams claim to have invented the same software! Both the Italian & UK websites only link back to EZTRADER. EZTRADER call you back within...
  8. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    Ultimate4Trading is a HOAX hosted by EZTrader - both Suck!! Ultimate4Trading in the UK is the same as trading30elode in Italy ??? They are one in the same!! But pretend to be original. Interestingly both sites link back to EZTrader who are behind this. How low will a dodgy market maker...
  9. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    Italian & US Versions identical ...Hmmmmm Check out the Italian version, same set, same cut aways, different actors.. Italian - Startup 365 US - Startup 365 - Identical in English If it was not so laughable, we could all cry...
  10. E

    Scammers ( EZTRADER + ultimate4trading )

    Ultimate4Trading is a total SCAM so is EZTrader......BEWARE!! I first found out about Ultimate4Trading via a an online pop up advert. As an experienced CFD, Equities and Options trader, I was of course very skeptical. So as to be open minded, I decided to investigate the whole thing very...