
Emini Online is an alert service that uses a specially designed futures trading system that focuses on making consistent returns under all market conditions. Our S&P Emini Futures trading system generates trade recommendations which we deliver electronically to your broker to be executed automatically with a goal of reducing human emotion from the trade equation.
United States
Vendor (Optional)
Trading system vendor
Trading Experience
More than 5 Years
Trading Work Status
Full-Time (Home/Office)
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Day Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Technical Analysis
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US
Preferred Markets
  1. Indices
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Futures
Preferred Trading Software (P-Z)
  1. SierraChart
  2. TradeStation
Preferred Direct Access Brokers
  1. Open E Cry
Preferred Futures Brokers
  1. Infinity
  2. Open E Cry
Preferred Options Brokers
  1. OptionsXpress
Preferred EOD Data Providers
  1. DTN.IQ
Preferred Realtime Data Providers
  1. DTN.IQ
Favorite Trading Magazines
  1. Stocks & Commodities


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