Recent content by EliteFX

  1. EliteFX

    FX Trader Adventures

    Sorry for disturbing your journal but can't resist it. I Love you for the article. 100 and 10% true. This exactly happened to my trading life too, stage by stage.. But at that time no body told me that at what stage I'm at that time and how much journey is left hehe I wish I could have read...
  2. EliteFX

    "Managed" Forex Account?????

    You mean funds to be withdraw from client's trading account by money manager? Well this is next to impossible. However I do agree that there are so many good, bad, and ugly faces claiming themselves as forex money managers but there are some extra ordinary too.
  3. EliteFX

    New member

    Hi, I have just joined this forum to learn more (and share my thoughts) about forex/futures and stocks trading. Regards