Recent content by DJ85

  1. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    Thanks Dash, yep I've learned to ignore the haters by now! Thanks for sending the links, thats decent of you to do that. They're very helpful! Cheers, Dhanny
  2. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    I certainly am NOT in any negative equity. I am NOT finding a way to dig myself out. If you read the start of the thread, you would have read that all I am looking to do is find out what would be the best way to arranging a fund, what kind of costs would I be looking it and the duration of the...
  3. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    Thanks for your input. However, the rest of the sentence did say on properties below the £100k. It's properties over £150k that have really suffered. The £100k and under has been pretty smooth in comparison. Re the thread on property funds being on a retail funding site, I just wanted...
  4. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    I will be investing and getting associates to invest also isn't a problem. In my first thread post, I was asking how best to go about creating a fund if needed. I have the stock, have people that could and would invest and I have the stock already rented out. I simply wanted to know what back...
  5. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    You invest £10k into the fund and every year we pay you 10% return on your investment. Through residential alone we can purchase £1.5m worth of bricks and mortor houses, not flats. We do have the option to diversify the stock and go into commercial properties as well. The 10% yield would come...
  6. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    Martinghoul, thanks, I think people are forgetting in the the opening thread I did state that I am new to this. I would like to ask/remind people what their knowledge was like when they FIRST started, not where they are 1,5 or 10 years down the line. Like I said, perhaps I should use a...
  7. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    I'm not here to sell property to anyone, I'm saying theres options to invest £10k and make 10% return p/annum. There are 100's of threads in this forum, leave this one alone if its bothering you this much.
  8. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    FYI I'm 25 years old and I've own seven properties, but thats besides the point. I made it clear from the start I am a beginner on the funds side and I asked for some help. Not exactly the crime of the century. The FACT is I do have something to offer and I'm trying to find out the best way to...
  9. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    I have seen the property market, and looking past the hype, the fact is properties below £100k remain largely unaffected. It's properties priced £150k and over that have experienced a dip. Properties in the long term are always going to go up and we're buying the properties AFTER the major hit...
  10. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    As in I can't raise £1m out of my own pocket. To be fair, you would be hard pressed to find many fund managers raising amounts required from their own pockets alone.
  11. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    Where would you poke holes? Let me know so I can learn from it and move forward.
  12. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    Black Bison, I can't raise the £1m by myself alone so the aim would be to raise it through investors. Through the renting of the properties - 20 in total - along with selling even two properties at full market value, we can guarantee a return back of 10% each year. These are distressed sellers...
  13. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    Thanks for your advice. While I can certainly guarantee 10% p/annum will be paid, I understand other terms may be more suitable. No problems with going to a solicitor, but I just wanted a few pointers before I head down there. Yes, I was also told that registering in a more tax-friendly...
  14. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    This is 10% per annum which would be guaranteed through the selling of properties and through rents achieved. Perhaps hedge fund was the wrong term to describe what it is we're doing. Is HMT the treasury site?
  15. D

    New Property fund - need help with specifics

    Hello T2W members! Basically I'm a new to trading and hedge funds HOWEVER I've come across an opportunity and I just wanted to know how I can carry out the task and what I would need to do. Really would appreciate your help! I want to build a property hedge fund. I have access to stock worth...