Recent content by Devonsent

  1. D

    Recommend a fx broker thanks!

    Hi Joe, I am extraordinarily surprised at the number of people here who are recommending small, relatively little known brokers - almost as much as I am that you have been forced to pay $10 per trade! As a newbie, my own thoughts would be to go with one of the 'big boys', certainly until you...
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    Lee Shepherd's Trading Diary

    Lee, Thanks so much for a reply that is far more measured and helpful than I, perhaps, had any right to expect. I shall go and add stuff into my profile in a minute but, if I may come back on a coupleof your points first . . . People like Sergei Brin, Mark Zuckerberg or Dave Hewlett stared...
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    Lee Shepherd's Trading Diary

    With regard to your quote below:
  4. D

    Pallada Anyone?

    Hi All, I'm a relative newbie, been trading (spectacularly unsuccessfully) since about November last year. Actually, it's getting a little better and I'm beginning to learn more about Risk Management and not being too upset when trades go against me. Anyway, I was interested to see that...