Recent content by daniel40

  1. D

    2012 Metals, energy, currencies, grains, soft commodities newsletter as a gift...

    Just downloaded the PDF file of the newsletter from mahendraprophecy. So i thought to share with you, The predictions for gold/silver from 16-20 January 2012 by Mahendra Sharma in his newsletter is directly quoted below:
  2. D

    Gold, Silver, S&P, Oil, Currencies, Grains trend....

    What do you think? Quoted diredctly from the mahendra sharma newsletter the famous financial astrologer. (mahendraprophecy)
  3. D

    Stay long in S&P and commodities..?

    Whats your opinion on commodities and S&P? Just read the newsletter of mahendra sharma the famous finiancial astrologer and he is recommending to stay long in his weekly newslettter. He also given trade range for GOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM, PALLADIUM, GRAINS, CURRENCIES and other commodities as...
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    2012 Financial Predictions..

    I am seeing a huge buzz about this book "2012 Financial Predictions".. Seeing it on market watch ( and many other top sites.. Also saw a banner on Kitco and my curiosity grew. On oneside...