Christopher Koozekanani

Christopher Koozekanani has traded actively since the late 90's and predominantly in futures since 1998 when the Emini's were coming into prominence for the S&P500 index. Prior to active trading Chris was in aviation and flew AH-1S "Cobra" attack helicopters in the U.S. Army after finishing Aeronautical Science Degree studies at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He was working for the airline industry in aircraft maintenance when he decided to transition to full time trading in the Summer of 2004 after 20 years in the industry. In the beginning of his trading career, Chris spent the typical time researching and testing various indicators. Some may remember him back then as "AMT4SWA" on various trading forums talking about the 4,13,9 MACD "1/2 Value" trade set ups, or other various posts commenting on Auction Market Theory. He studied Auction Market Theory in 2003 which eventually lead him into the use of Cumulative Delta and the tracking of realtime order flow. It was the tracking of the realtime order flow and finding the patterns within the Delta Volume distributions that convinced him there was an edge within this data. Over the years of observing the Cumulative Delta in futures trading, he found several very significant patterns within the order flow and developed a well researched trading methodology that he uses daily for all of his trading whether intra-day or longer term trading. More information is available at his website.


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