Recent content by Chris W

  1. C

    Interview with BP to enter their trading program - any advice?

    I have a behavioral and technical interview scheduled with BP. I am more concerned about the technical interview, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. C

    Average compensations for equity options market maker on CBOE?

    Been trying to find how much an equity options market maker trading on the floor earns but I can't find much information. Anyone have an idea what a new trader starts out at? How about a trainer who's been at it for 10/20/30 years?
  3. C

    What do I need to know about trading on the floor of the CBOE?

    I don't really know if this is the place to ask this question, but I can't find anywhere else. I have an opportunity to intern with a market making firm trading equity options on the floor of the CBOE. What should I know for the interview/when they bring me onto the floor? Other general...