Recent content by Brandonf

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    Brandon Fredrickson Journal

    FSYS Trade Every now and then my mind slips and it feels like 1999 to me and I just have to DAYTRADE, or at least feel like I am. Whenever you read a book on Technical Analysis they tell you that you should use multiple timeframe analysis. That's all well good and true, but then no one really...
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    Brandon Fredrickson Journal

    Its unlikely that I will ever be the best fundamental analyst in the world. I have a hard enough time if my ATM balance is different than my checking balance, so getting too far beyond that and I am in a grey area. However, as a trader I do think its important to have some understanding of the...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    This will be fast. Right now the market is looking like hell, and everything looks terribe. Breadth is bad, interest rates are above 5%, Iran has nukes, the Congress cant get the tax cut extended, and I stubbed my toe. But, thats how markets often look. A lot of the market is just in a range...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    You will be happy to know that Amanda Jean came into the world Thursday without too much trouble. A little early, so she will be in the hospital for a few weeks so that her lungs can develop, but for the most part Mom and Baby are well. It was a nerve wracking few days for everyone and I'm glad...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    We live in a world with so many advancements. People are living longer and healthier lives than ever before which we all seem to take for granted. We take it for granted until we are slapped in the face with sharp reality and realize how fragile we all truly are. Our family has had that slap in...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    Tuesday was a pretty bad day for the market after the Fed raised rates and indicated that it may not be done. However, as good as Tuesday was, Wednesday was 3 times better. We had new relative highs across the board, Nasdaq, Small Caps, Mid Caps, and Big Caps all had great days. Important...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    Each dot represents a day that there was a change in the account value. I will be busy with a number of things for the next several days so I have essentially gone to cash into the end of the qtr. This is an actual result from an account I manage and shows what I have done this qtr. I will start...
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    middle east equities

    Is anyone aware of any ETF's/Closed End Funds that are based on the Middle East. There seems to be an awful lot of panic there. All I can find is Isreal and Turkey. I would be very interested in something on SA, Dubai, Eqypt etc. So far all I can come up with is to open an account with Auerback...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    Chuggah Chuggah CHOOO CHOOOO!!! and keep the train moving! What the hell am I talking about? I'm talking about moving on. As you may recall at the start of the year I was extremely bullish on True Relgion Apparel, a maker of high end (ie Overpriced) denim goods that it sells at its own stores...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    I do trade a tad bit in oversea's market. Over the last year I have been really active in India and Korea as well as a bit in Australia. Last year I traded a few middle eastern stocks when those markets got moving as well. However, for the most part I stick to ADRs when I am trading non US...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    There is a whole lotta nothin going on as far as the market goes for me. We continue to trade in a sideways manner, from lows to highs, and highs to lows and then back again. For me, this is untradeable. When I do try to aggressively trade it the only thing I accomplish is to lose money. A lot...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    When I was in 4th grade my Little League Baseball team went 1-12. In an effort to cheer us up our coach arranged for us to go to the Metrodome in Minneapolis and watch a Twins game to watch the World Champions play. Somehow he also arranged for it that several players would stay after the game...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    On Friday US Equities opened up sharply lower as bond yeilds hit new yearly highs and Intel accounced that it cotinues to lose market share and revenues are falling. It certainly looked like dark clouds on the horizan, however after the open the market quickly found its legs and moved higher...
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    If any of you reading this have any comments or questions please do feel free to ask away. Brandon Fredrickson
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    Brandon Fredrickson's Random Rants and Market Ideas

    I am getting sea sick. Red Bar, Green Bar, Red Bar, Green Bar. She's wait..she is wait, its wait...just..wait, just a minute, maybe..nope,.nevermind!! Anyway I am back to cash with the exception of NSM. I made some small profits, not much but enough to get myself a...