Recent content by born2winfx

  1. B

    Do you admit to being a Trader?

    I can't say that I'm a trader but I started with an autotrader called buru that works 24 hours. If it brings me stable return in mid term, I'm going to invest more in it and than I can probably say that I'm a trader, full time trader :)
  2. B

    Statistics and psycology

    One thing I see a lot is that over 80% of the trader think that they are better than the average trader. Now it's up to you to find the mistake in this calculation :)
  3. B

    Should you think about money while trading? Trading, but not money. Why?

    Cash is king - but not in trading! Stay loyal to your style and stay calm what ever happens. The money is just a number and will come if the time is ready :) Cheers
  4. B

    Crowd psychology

    Great ideas thanks! What I saw so far are that people overreact and are full of biases. Trader lie to themselves :) Like a fish swarm the mass follows a trend and there are always a few in the end of the queue who get eaten.
  5. B

    IBFX: easy performance with auto trading buru

    Hey folks, Strange, no search entries for "buru". So I've to be the first one :) I read an article about IBFX with their new software buru on FXStreet. And yes I had to give a try :) Because they published some nice stats on and they seem to perform...
  6. B

    Highly recommended brokerage

    Thanks pboyles, hope not, new year new game :) I read somewhere an article about 10% for the last 6 months. 10% sounds too great, you're right! Don't know where it was, will look for it and post it afterwards here. Happy new year and happy success!
  7. B

    Highly recommended brokerage

    Thank you very much for the inputs and as well for the :) I'm looking at different expert advisor at the moment and I new in the business. How much return on a monthly base is usual for small risk, is 10% a lot?
  8. B


    I'm interested as well! Just a question, what is a fast execution time and what is slow? Thanks.
  9. B

    Few Questions From A Potential Beginner!

    Thank you MrGecko! Will check 'Crack Spread' and 'DoE/eia inventories'. P.S.: I'm new, but I know trading is it! I'm reading the 'First steps' thread and it's great!