Recent content by biggsy

  1. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    A colleague of mine bought the Shiraz nonsence a couple of years ago and when we tried to put it into practice it proved to be totally worthless. His marketing is excellent (like Vince Stanzione) but when we discovered there was no sensible stop losses/money management/risk management etc etc...
  2. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    can you giive us a summary DelBoy...?
  3. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    Dear Mary Whitehouse,(ie Bigbusiness) It would take Armagedon to trash my trading account and if I can make a little pocket money on the side with IK's method, from my main trading, then I'll gladly continue with the system. I'm very touched that you are so concerned about the welfare of my...
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    Index King In Da' House !

    amazing how this chatroom was an IK 'we are not worthy' shrine, then as soon as IK mentioned charging 25 quid a month, all the paper traders turned on IK and the whole system!! (and its only to two bob paper traders that are complaining!) its been like an old wimins moaning society this past...
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    Index King In Da' House !

    yep exactly became clear to me after a few trades that i was too eager to reverse and getting in at 20-30 over the ideal just to see it back at the ideal level the following day....i think IK said to one of my colleagues that the trades seem to move offside (from the night of the...
  6. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    i know everyones been moaning about IK but i'm personally up just over 500 tics on 7 trades since mid sept...with 1 loss....been very lucky with a couple of entries which i think are quite subjective...some trades ive waited before entering instead of doing trade on night of reverse...and...
  7. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    yep, down 124 tics at moment!
  8. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    Yeh! It'll seperate the Men from the 20p Virgins!!!
  9. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    Bunch of ungrateful chimps! If you can't afford £25 a month you shouldnt be in this game!!!!
  10. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    Hi Mombasa, you should still be in the trade. I have the trade at 5306, IK also has the FTSE trade. These trades take time and can change very quickly. Biggsy
  11. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    yep exactly!...ive just sent an ambulance round to his house! Are your trades based on statistics or technical indicators/patterns?
  12. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    we maybe hurting at the moment guys, but my mate who has just done the DOW leg of the trade (and is still in it!!) is currently on the phone to the Samaritans!
  13. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    Hi IK, Things are looking great!. So great that a friend of mine is only doing the Dow side of the trade as u seem to get the direction spot on. Do you think he's really stupid!!??
  14. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    Hi IK, Trades are looking good. However, the last DAX trade of +121 didnt fall within 25 of the ideal difference at any point. (as far as i can see). Are your results a pure reverse on the close whether it is in or outside the 25 tic limit? Biggsy
  15. B

    Index King In Da' House !

    Morning IK, on those results on your site, is the entry level taken at the dow close and within 25 of the ideal? Biggsy