Recent content by bigdatascience

  1. bigdatascience

    Bitcoin Advice

    We are starting a new Coin in the next few months which will be an integral part of a platform we are also releasing. It's aim is to develop a coin value without having to be benchmarked against FIAT currency. Will let you know when it's ready to be mined. Best, Alan
  2. bigdatascience

    Bitcoin Advice

    To do this justice I would need literally hundreds of pages since it encompasses the intricacies of IT security, encryption and financial engineering. In layman's terms: 1. Cold storage (not connected to the internet) is the only safe way to store BTC. Unfortunately if the BTC was intercepted...
  3. bigdatascience

    Bitcoin Advice

    The attacks are so sophisticated that I would never feel safe holding the currency, I know the limits of my security which are not in any way small. An example, the TOR system was manipulated so that servers Tor Nodes used by Bitcoin hackers had the traffic sent to them (which is a non-trivial...
  4. bigdatascience

    Market Manipulation yet no compensation?

    There are essentially 2 types of damages: 1. The counterparty in the OTC transaction that lost our due to the manipulating parties criminal conduct. 2. The traders with strategies that were impact by the "manipulating party" during the period in question. The (2) victims were impacted...
  5. bigdatascience

    What's your Robot Sharpe Ratio?

    Why? Admittedly professional reasons: 1. Is Sharpe considered relevant to members, your answer is clearly in the negative. 2. If it is being used to back test models and verify potential then I am interested in feedback about it's effectiveness. Best, A
  6. bigdatascience

    What's your Robot Sharpe Ratio?

    I am interested to know what sharpe ratios are being traded based on their backtest analysis. Best, A
  7. bigdatascience

    Market Manipulation yet no compensation?

    The central banks did not agree with that, they fined they Banks by checking the chat logs against market moves that were coordinated by them, so the data was clearly there to verify the manipulation. So if the central banks felt that market moves were manipulated, why not have all the loss...
  8. bigdatascience

    Bitcoin Advice

    Bitstamp: is based in Slovenia was hacked for $5million in Jan 2015 has still not explained the nature of the hack is now operating fractional reserve system while it tries to make back the money that it lost So the question is, would I advise someone to use a FIAT currency that falls under...
  9. bigdatascience

    Bitcoin Advice

    I agree that Digital currencies outside state control will continue, check out sidechains which will be an interesting technology in the future. Google BTC at IG and you will see their offering for CFDs and Spreadbets.
  10. bigdatascience

    Bitcoin Advice

    Hedging a highly volatile underlying is inadvisable and Bitcoin is highly volatile, the re-hedging would cost more than any likely profit. The likely move in digital currency is that the central banks will create a EURCoin, USDCoin... of their own which they are licensed to swap for EUR/USD...
  11. bigdatascience

    Market Manipulation yet no compensation?

    I am surprised that Traders, particularly professional(self employed traders) have not been properly compensated for the abuse of the Forex Market by Banks. Why were the date/times\symbols of trades not published so that victims could then be compensated for trades? Arbitrary fines seem...
  12. bigdatascience

    Bitcoin Advice

    Dont hold bitcoin It's not safe to be held online BY ANY EXCHANGE. Nor is it practical to hold in cold storage. Our advice to all our clients is to trade it as a CFD, not to own the underlying or to use the exchanges which are being targeted by hackers. If you want to hold the coin as an...
  13. bigdatascience

    Hi from BigDataScience

    We are a specialist firm of Data Scientists who come from a Quant background in the city of London. Happy to respond to financial engineering questions members might have and to provide snippets from our libraries if they case may arise. We provide Robot and Indicator Services on the CAlgo...