Recent content by Alexander0884

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    Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?

    Sorry but you are completely wrong. COMPLETELY, 100% return in 6 weeks through trading is possible. Yes you have to be a badass and yes I have personally seen people take advantage of crisis situation to make even more, 200-300% even more. I am new here too but frankly I have worked in finance...
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    Former prop trader offers free advice

    The problems with videos is that you are learning from an unverified source. Sometimes a good old book off the nearest bookshelf is better as it had been weighted, tested read and reread and the information is genuine and foolproof.
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    Forex Myths

    I dont see how forex cant make you rich if you can call your trades? Lets say you are going to trade once, leveraged and you chuck in $10k and you win 200 pips or even a point lets say. PROFIT$$? Ergo your argument is flawed.
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    Yeah I found some posts dating back to the "wether the vendors should be in vendor section thread" discussion. I guess urban dictionary revealed what kinnel means. LIving amongst snobbery I would have never guessed... Anyway
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    You have quoted this so many times, a simple search on google for "kinell mate bud" reveals dozens of your posts here on T2W. Having said that I still have no clue what any of it means :-/
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    Trading while working

    I do not think you are entirely correct. I worked for a BIG4 firm and I rememebr this news article VERY well the guy made??? £900 and didnt even intend to do INSIDER trading but ubnfortunately the fact was that he was "exposed" to confidential information through his employment - his career...
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    You can watch zeitgeist if you do not believe me, the evidence is all documented there starting with how banks rule the world.
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    And they were behind 9/11 they masterminded the whole thing includiong the recession and knowing all this they managed to make an astounding $15k dolars from an initial investment of $2.5k
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    Stealth traders make up an elite group of individuals who run the Illuminati
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    Trading while working

    Doesnt this relate to insider trading? According to UK law, you are not allowed to trade shares/stocks of your employment company and/or their clients. Problem is you could know about a deal that fell through or about potential change within the company and this gives you inside information...
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    Left Side/Right Side trading terminology

    Uuuum, no? Lol, I am not really active at all in the online community. I have only started peeking on here since yesterday when I was bored at work after month end reporting. Just wanted to know what is meant by the terminology that is all. :P Ok perhaps I am again failing in my wording...
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    I just found the same, was wondering wether to post or not but meh what the heck. I guess you can get nice comission packages on deposits of $2.5k on first time traders. Was also a bit speculative on $15k in 44 days from $2.5k to qualify, bit of a far reach for newbies huh?
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    I guess he just means in context that you dont let emotions guide your trades and that you know how to set them aside to make the most out of decision making.
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    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    Emotional Quota? I am interested. I dont know about EQ - I dont get emotional at all as I guess I am used to getting drilled by my bosses; but I have a very high IQ, I studied mathematics and currenlty work as a Financial Analyst in City of London. I am learning and reading all I can get my...