Recent content by ACstudio

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    Question about options

    The prices look about right now. But ye you were correct to not think that there was any free money there.
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    Best way to hedge a long Trade, Options ect....

    Just manage the Deltas. If you own 100 shares of stock you have 100 Deltas of risk...if you own 20 shares of stock you have 20 Deltas of risk. If you sell a 1 lot of calls at the .30 Delta you've taken off 30 Deltas of risk. If buy a put at the -.30 Delta you again take off .30 Deltas of...
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    Question about options

    Ye you're missing something. Include the ticker for quicker response so we don't have to take the time to write..."What's the ticker?" then wait for your answer. Maybe a special dividend or really wide bid/ask spread or something..
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    How to Overcome Impatience

    I'm reminded to be patient when my impatience costs me money. Cause and effect.
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    Paper trade options without funding?

    Ye +1 that for Thinkorswim. You'll need to create a TDA account but you don't have to fund it to use the papertrading feature.
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    Desktop PC or laptop?

    I treated myself to the same...I have several computers but wanted one that would mostly used for trading. I decided to get a gaming laptop...figured that would handle all of the graphics needs I might have for a few years. And ye I will run an extra monitor at my usual station. Kinda nice to...
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    Quit my job to trade - inspiration

    My worthless opinion. Go for it. Your 25, no wife, no kids no risk to anyone but yourself. When else in life will you be able to take a shot like that? I've had a lot of can always get another one...and I don't miss any of them. You can always make more money. The lessons you...
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    Looking for investors

    What's an average return?
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    Any casino lover here?

    When I go to the casino I go to play craps. I bet the minimum on the line bet and max the odds bet. Once the point is established I bet the min on the Come line and then put max odds on those. I usually only go out 2-3 numbers at first. Once I'm down 200$ I walk away and play some penny...
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    Is now a good time to buy oil stocks?

    Who knows....and in what time frame? But you might ask yourself this. If the IV percentile of USO is 91% that means the expected move for the next 12 months is around 17$ either way. It is currently trading at 18.29$. Which side do you think the risk would be on that trade?
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    FAQ Is Trading the Same as Gambling?

    As long as someone wants to re-define the term "gambling" to fit their needs or makes assertions that everything with risk is "gambling" then any discussion as to the relationship between a casino bet and trading is pointless. Usually what this discussion is really about is when someone says...
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    FAQ Is Trading the Same as Gambling?

    If the definition is simply your interpretation of what is risky or too risky then it is completely subjective. An objective definition would be that in trading I can take either side of the trade of an efficient gambling I cannot. As per your analogy if I thought that one side of...
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    FAQ Is Trading the Same as Gambling?

    Are you suggesting that the question is defined by an event?
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    FAQ Is Trading the Same as Gambling?

    Then if what we are talking about is just "what someone feels" then the entire discussion is would be any discussion if it was just based on what one felt.
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    FAQ Is Trading the Same as Gambling?

    1st....Assuming we are not talking about gambling as "anything involving risk" as this would be pointless as we might as well discuss whether or not we should get out of bed in the morning. I went through 23 pages and not one mention of the obvious. The simple difference is that when gambling...