Recent content by 1keynose

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    thats what i tried to do:lol: ive been reading through the web site now and it appears to be very helpful
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    any books in particular that you recommend? i would like to trade in currencies.
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    if the info was not disclosed and cost X amount of money then i agree that if you want it, you pay for it. i just find it strange that they give you all of the information but want paying to print an add free version. i would have expected it to be a token amount (which would be fair enough) but...
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    i apologise as i appear to have caused offense. all the information is free on the site and can be freely read and printed. the site offers a printable version without web headers etc thats all. as for being a trader, like i said i am a total novice. i dont even know if i'll ever get to the...
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    the less i have to pay for the better.;)
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    hello all i a beginner when it comes to trading and want to do the studying and plenty of paper trading before investing my cash. ive been on the babypips site and it is very informative but i would like the pipsology pdf as it is much easier than printing all of their web pages. i wondered if...