Market Scanner


Well-known member
Does anyone know of good settings for the market scanner for use with Technical Analysis?

I'm a tech analysis guy but I have limited time in the evenings - I look for PASR set-ups and I want to change the shares I look at each evenings. Currently I scan thru the entire FTSE 350 at EOD but I'd like to build a scanner (in sharescope) to find shares that are moving (ie big money involvement).

Being a luddite I find selecting the various elements quite hard to programme. All I want is to be able to scan the FTSE 350 and pick out shares that are trending but have fallen back to the 20ema for example?
Or even 1 day volume spikes above a 20 day volume MA?
Does anyone know of any sites etc that help with this sort of thing or does anyone know how to stage this criteria into a scanner?
Many thanks!
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