Candle pattern recognition study



I have an Easylanguage Candle pattern Recognition study that recognizes approximately 40 candle patterns but it needs 1 final thing to complete it. I need to be able to click on any candle and have the
study tell me what pattern it is. At the moment it will tell me what
the current candle pattern is in real time and works great. However, it is necessary
at times to look back and having the ability to click on a candle so
the study tells you the pattern is very convenient.
My Amibroker study does this which is both necessary and
convenient. Can this be done using Easylanguage and would someone
please help me with this? Thank you for any and all help.
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Hi Tim,

We talk before.

What you can do here is:

if (AbsValue(O-C)<= ((H-L)*0.1)) then plot1( Low, "NearDoji", getbackgroundcolor, 0, 0, );

and do the same to every pattern.
Hello Lukas,
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and I will certainly give it a try. It would be the final piece to my study and most certainly very much appreciated. Once again, thank you for your kindness.

Best regards,


Hi Tim,

We talk before.

What you can do here is:

if (AbsValue(O-C)<= ((H-L)*0.1)) then plot1( Low, "NearDoji", getbackgroundcolor, 0, 0, );

and do the same to every pattern.
Hi Lukas,
It worked like a charm, thank you so very much for your kindness, it is certainly appreciated. Once again, thank you.

Hi Tim,

We talk before.

What you can do here is:

if (AbsValue(O-C)<= ((H-L)*0.1)) then plot1( Low, "NearDoji", getbackgroundcolor, 0, 0, );

and do the same to every pattern.
Auto Trendline Study

Hi Lukas,
Have you ever run across a good auto trendline study? I have tried the TradeStation auto trendlines but it isn't what I am looking for. Here is an auto trendline study I like but it is on Ensign, here is the url October 2004 Trading Tips Newsletter . I like the auto trendlines as well as the channel study which is included.
If you or anyone else has come across a good auto trendline study would you please let me know, Lukas. Thank you for your kindness and help.

Warmest regards,
