TS2000i bad data


Using ts2000i with esignal (live daily data) on Win XP home edition - (looking at equities charts)

problem is I get a bad open on intraday chart - go into GlobalServer and see that pre-market data is listed for the open - correct open price does not show up until 9:32 or 9:33

this happens on GOOG, C, QQQQ, etc... maybe not everyday, but often enough. Sometimes, on my daily charts as well - open will be correct at 9:30 then change at some point during the day - on daily, can't go into GS and change it back once that occurs - it stays that way until I can reload the data at the end of the day.

Checked with Esignal, it is not at their end - this seems to be a glitch in TS2000i and GS.

Any ideas??
For NYSE and NYSE Alternext US (formerly AMEX) there are two potential open prices:
1. The tape open. The tape open takes all trades on all exchanges and ECNs. First traded price is the open.
2. The specialist open. Specialists may not open the stock until AFTER 9:30am. Typically they try to open at the best price that gives the most trades.

It may be that they are setting the open based upon #1 but then subsequently changing it to #2 for NYSE and NYSE Alternet US securities. There doesn't explain it for NASDAQ stocks though - although for less liquid ones they may open on the tape before they actually trade on the exchange. But GOOG and QQQQ should be ultra-liquid and shouldn't experience this issue.

Good luck getting any support from Tradestation on 2000i though - it's an unsupported product as far as I know.