How Do I System Test on 5, 10, 15, 30 Minutes?


How can I conduct system tests on various minute durations such as 30-minute periods when I have metastock files in tick periods? Is there a way within Metastock or is there a procedure to convert the tick files into various minute periods?

Apprecitate the help.
How can I conduct system tests on various minute durations such as 30-minute periods when I have metastock files in tick periods? Is there a way within Metastock or is there a procedure to convert the tick files into various minute periods?

Apprecitate the help.


its simple...
You need data in period you want to test... 15min for 15min test ect.
so convert tick data into 15min in The DawnLoader(included)

if need help how to do this pm me

its simple...
You need data in period you want to test... 15min for 15min test ect.
so convert tick data into 15min in The DawnLoader(included)

if need help how to do this pm me

please kindley tell me how