Tradestation help please


im retired with a self invested sipp
ive bought a copy of tradestation 2000i
hopefully to give me directional guidance
Are there any members with the time and patience to guide me through the setup process
ive read that yahoo finance is a good free source of data
How do i get the epic code into the programme do i have to do them one at a time
Can i download bulk data?
If you assume my knowledge of software is zero you would be spot on
Thank you in atticipation
Are you wanting EOD data or realtime ? Also getting data from Yahoo into TS is not easy as it would have to be done using ascii format and that is a real pain. Some of the others here have purchased a downloading tool that allows you to get all the data from Yahoo and import it into TS direct. This is from hypertrader and I suggest that you email them direct and ask at [email protected]


Hi Paul
Thank you for your reply
I have vivited the Hypertrader site which advisers that the forum and free tools have been discontinued
I have taken your advice and emailed them direct
If any members have the free software a copy would be appreciated
Best Wishes
Emailing them is the only option, they are still active because only this week other members have bought this plugin. Their site has been inactive for a long time. The free one was time limited and would not work even if you had it. Try joining the Technical Trader forum via your user panel as that is where this is being talked about.

Tradestation 8 Price Bar Question

Can anyone suggest how to get the individual bars to indicate the price when the pointer is placed on each bar, also how do you create separate subgraphs for different indicators
Commentary and CommentaryCL will work to create what is known as Analysis Commentary in TS

CommentaryCL( "The Close Price is ", NumToStr( close, 2 ) ) ;

You can choose which data stream to anchor an indicator to in Format Analysis Technique, Scaling
Can anyone suggest how to get the individual bars to indicate the price when the pointer is placed on each bar, also how do you create separate subgraphs for different indicators

Just view - data window - will give you OHLC and all your indicator values if you want - either in a small box or screen wide with all the prices.

Can I also suggest you go to the tradestation forums ( they are free ) where you will find a ton of information and a heap of FAQ's

Sorry - I have just realised you are using 2000i - there is no support for that anymore.