Do you regularly use a stock screener? (Alpha Testers Wanted)


Do you regularly use a stock screener?

Have you ever wished it would...

1) show you the historical percent of trades that would have been winners?
2) the historical average gain/loss per trade?
3) the historical risk-reward profile of the pattern?
4) historical performance or visualization information similar to 1, 2, and 3?

And do you...

1) spend a lot of time manually screening historical charts to see if the hypothetical trades your screening criteria produces would make or lose money?
2) wish that you'd be able to tweak your screening criteria to find criteria that yields an attractive risk-reward and win rate?

If this sounds like you... you're in luck! I'm looking for alpha testers to help prototype a new kind of stock screener.

What will be expected of you...

To participate in a brief phone/skype interview with me so I can get a better understanding of the dissatisfaction and frustrations with your current stock screening process.

What you'll get out of the experience...

I'll take some of your screening criteria, program it up myself, and provide you with a report that details the information listed above. For free.

If you're interested in participating, please send an email to [email protected].