Easy scanning software



I am using Ninjatrader for charting and trading and really like everything about that.

But what I don't like is the scanning feature that is really awful. But this doesn't actually matter since I can use another software or web service for this. But which one?

I would like to do easy stuff like scan for inside day patterns or a bigger atr than usual.

Does anyone know about any service like this? I would actually prefer a web based service but an ordinary software would work as well. Also no problem if there is as fee just as long it is reasonable.

Best regards
I developed a stock analysis tool (Origin Balance) which is on the Windows desktop platform. Origin Balance has all the fundamental features including download of stock prices (ndq, ax, nyse) from brokerage websites. It can save prices to data file and restore the prices for future analysis. Check out group Origin Balance on Facebook.

You decide on the stock market associated firm. Financial institutions have their own software. Morningstar offers stock market data, and I believe their service is real-time. They are based in Chicago, IL (US), not directly in New York, NY (US). This could be a problem if you need stock price at instant speed faster than, say, one (1) second. Origin Balance should integrate well with Morningstar stock data feed too (I need to add this feature to the software. You would need to sign up with Morningstar through their sales department).

You are looking for a software tool for analysis of stock price patterns? If enough people are interested in this software then I can certainly add more features to this software to allow trader to add custom/proprietary pattern/calculation.