real multibroker-PAMM-account?


Hello everyone.

In some threads I recognized a demand for a tool which handles a trade with multiple brokers simultaneously by one click. During my forex-trading I was lacking such a tool too. So I decided to fill this gap. I programmed a tool which handles as many different brokers as needed over a single PAMM-account.
Within the business plan I’m doing atm, I try to find out if there is still demand for such a tool and I need to know who could be possible customers and what extra features do they possibly need in addition to that.

Therefore I'm searching for professional traders with more than 1 account and more than 1 broker who would be interested in such a tool.
So if you are such a person you would help me a lot by participating in my little survey, which is posted on a secure server of my university (htw berlin) in Germany. It would take 5 to 10 minutes of your time. The survey is anonymous and available in German and English (just choose the proper language at the starting page).

Link to survey: LimeSurvey

Thank you in advance for your replies and hopefully your participation.
