Good Charting Software?


Junior member
Good Charting Software

Just wanted to start a thread on charting software to help any of you that are looking for some good sfotware.

My personal reccomendation is Dynamic Trader... superb in my oppinion.

Feel free to add your own reccomendations...
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I can vouch for ensign. I think its excellent and eod data is free, obviously if you want intraday i think you'll have to pay for a feed on top of the monthly subscription Kiwi mentioned above
Hi Ferrari

Think i'm overlapping with Kiwi here a bit, i don't have an intraday feed thro ensign, bit it supports intraday feeds from IB,, E-signal and DTN. When you setup ensign you have to tell the program as part of the setup procedure where your datafeed is coming from, & then esign gets it from that source. on EOD you stipulate internet which is free.
Have you considered TradeStation? It meets the "really good " criterea.