Printing account history


Active member
I would like to know how to print my account history details from MT4 Broker so that I can show my accountant.

I think I right click in Account History and click "Save report" to my desktop and then print.

Is there anyway I can just get hold of the deposits and withdrawals information to print out rather than having to print out every single trade with it's time, symbol, s/l, t/p etc?
Hi Bus,

I don't know of an MT4 way of doing it but my workaround is to use MS Excel . If you don't have it someone you know will I'm sure.

In MT4 as you say Right Click, "Save As Detailed Report".

Select a folder where you can find it again (e.g. in My Documents somewhere) and in the "File name" save it as an excel file e.g. "Detailed Statement 2012-07-13.xls" (I always find it useful to date files as well). i.e. change the file extension to ".xls"

Make sure to also change the "Save as type:" from "HTML Files (*.htm)" to "All Files (*.*)".

This should then open up in Excel. If it doesn't you'll have to do it normally.

Highlight the data table and use Excels Filter feature/tool thingy (Data ribbon if it's not on your Home ribbon). Click on the arrow that has appeared on the "Type" column (the column with the "Buy/Sell" detail), Click (Select all) to un-select all, Click "Balance" and you should have any transactions made against your card.

Select the area you want to print and Click "Page Layout", then "Print Area" and then print/preview as you normally would.

Personally I use the Excel Filter tool to tidy up and Filter the table by the "Comment" column to assess various strategies etc.

Hope that helps,
