iphone users

Images to forum on iphone.

Iphone photoshot - top on off button and home press together, then your get a shot in camera roll.

App - uploadr

Sends camera image to clipboard http address is then avalible to paste for website.
Image sample

Editing software:

Well I haven't found a better app than this one --- fotovado

If you have something better please tell.

Here is same photo edited with fotovado.

Anyone know of a better iphone app for Editing?

I have been looking and have found one.


but it is much more difficult to use although it has better functionality. You need to spend a lot of time on it and when you come back, you forget how you did things. Oh ha. I just need to draw arrows, lines and text. Dam!


Just bought an iPad. Now it has longer battery Life and 6 charts in a single window.

Hi traders,

I need your help.
Trade interceptor has very good support. If you need something you will get it. But now they have a user interface "user voice" Now you put a sugestion and users vote for it. Please put a vote for "FIXED TRAILING STOPS" that will allow you to move a stop automatically when a price has been reached. A fixed trailing stop means it will move stop to BE when programed at 100 pips, it will move to BE (brake even) when it has reached +100 pips Then at + 200 pips it will move your stop to +100 etc.

This has not been implemented in most software but it is very important if you use Risk reward money management. So please do me a favor and give a vote for "Fixed trailing stops"
Here I found great editing software "GOOD READER" using trade interceptor just right for chart work.


Wow now images are much bigger. This was done from iPad not iPhone.
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