IB performance Fix


Junior member

Im using IB with about 16 charts and just Moving averages...

After about 30minutes it suffer serious lag and sluggishness, often requiring mouse clicks to be repeated etc before it responds to commands.

Obviously this is no good for intraday trading so im wondering if any1 has a fix for it, or should i just buy a new computer.

My Laptop Specs are:

Intel Core Duo 2.26ghz
4gb ram
vista 64bit

And it can play the latest games (crysis2, DeusEX the new 1)

Anyway if it is a problem with the laptop id be happy to get a dedicated trading PC because i probably need 1 anyway.

If buying a new pc wont fix it though then i wouldnt be happy buying one yet, so just wondered if any1 has had the same problems or knows a solution.
You're not alone in this. I also find that IB is very slow, especially after scrolling through a few charts, the charts take a few minutes to load up again. Really frustrating when you miss out on trades because of this.

Im using IB with about 16 charts and just Moving averages...

After about 30minutes it suffer serious lag and sluggishness, often requiring mouse clicks to be repeated etc before it responds to commands.

Obviously this is no good for intraday trading so im wondering if any1 has a fix for it, or should i just buy a new computer.

My Laptop Specs are:

Intel Core Duo 2.26ghz
4gb ram
vista 64bit

And it can play the latest games (crysis2, DeusEX the new 1)

Anyway if it is a problem with the laptop id be happy to get a dedicated trading PC because i probably need 1 anyway.

If buying a new pc wont fix it though then i wouldnt be happy buying one yet, so just wondered if any1 has had the same problems or knows a solution.

You should try to add more memory to the java engine. Right click on the icon of the IB and change the -Xmx512M to -Xmx1024M and the MaxPermSize=128M to MaxPermSize=256M.
Telling the truth I have not tested these values but I had experiences with other java based dinosaurs and adding more memory to the java engine was the first step to increase the performance.
I remember having this problem as well and I asked the tech support group at IB about it. According to them, it's because the program runs on Java as it tries to accommodate portable users (iPhone and the like). So even if you buy an Alienware PC, you will still have performance issues when dealing with IB because it's made in Java.

Not too deep in things like this, so take this for what you will.
I wonder if it has anything to do with IB's historical data limitations (also know as "throttling" or "pacing" rules). I usually open up a 2-day 5-min intraday chart window and manually enter symbols. It loads pretty fast but as soon as I go through more than 6 symbols in 30 seconds the chart would become blank and take more than a minute to load.
It loads pretty fast but as soon as I go through more than 6 symbols in 30 seconds the chart would become blank and take more than a minute to load.

If you or anyone finds a fix for this, please share that information here. It's really frustrating to miss trades because of this...
I get the same problem but only after scrolling through about 40 charts e.g. on a scanner.
I get the impression it happens more if you scroll through fast, happens much less if you scroll more slowly, i.e, about 5 seconds per chart.
If you or anyone finds a fix for this, please share that information here. It's really frustrating to miss trades because of this...

Unfortunately it appears this restriction is enforced at the IB server.

One workaround I found whenever I encounter this blank chart problem is to shut down TWS then immediately log back in. On a fast computer it only takes about 10 seconds to get back to trading.