Trading Software from UK



Am from UK - I "unfortunately" subscribed to ADVFN and now am in the middle of cancelling from them. Just don't like their chart's they provide.

I am in the look out for a software package that gives good level of chart data for the FTSE 100/250 stocks and US market. Not interested in forex for now.

Anyone recommend one for me? I have tried Metatrader 5 Demo and looks good, not going for NeoTicker as I just cannot get thier simulator to work for me let alone their live prices.

Any thing else out there?

Also, as I enter the realm of trading software does it mean that I need to purchase a software license AND a feed broker? i.e I see everyone talks about "esignal" (bit expensive it seems).

Hi Lara,

Based on what you have said above there IS a company I would recommend to you. I don't think you'll get very far with MT5 - as from what I understand, the platform has got so many issues that it's yet to make it out of demonstration mode and certainly not suitable for live trading. I have traded with MT4 in the past, but I find it pretty clunky and I also don't like the fact that the associated broker gets to display all my price data.

My recommendation to you, should you still need one, would be a company called ShareScope. They have a variety of packages to suit your needs, from end of day (£18/mo) to delayed (£36/mo) to live(£95/mo) data and cover both UK and US markets. You won't need a separate data provider with ShareScope as they provide everything you need in your monthly package, and your data will come straight from the exchanges rather than arriving second-hand through a broker. You can select any broker you like for placing your trades, based on your own criteria such as good customer service and low commission rates.

You have to pay a one-off membership fee (£79.95) to join, which is fully refundable in your first month, but there are no other charges to pay in the first month, so it can work very nicely in your favour.

They are geared up very well for both Investors and Traders, offering a whole host of information for free, that you rarely see on other platforms. If you're still looking for your solution, maybe give them a try, and please let me know how you get on.

Regards, Matt.
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