sulong's Blog


Active member

B astardization Of Sidinuks Simple Opening Method or “BOSSOM” for short.

The core of the BOSSOM method is located at the Knowledge section at t2w.

The b astardization part comes from my own studies.

The purpose of this portion of my journal is to post the results of trades taken with YM, and also collect data for this and other futures to use for further testing.
Some questions I hope to answer are
At what time durring the trading day will an entry become more likely to not succede to the target?
Does the closing range combined with tomorrows opening range have an effect on the likleyhood of the target being reached?
And others that I’ll post as they come to mind.

I may have to open up a thread elsewhere to place misc. charts and images in, we’ll see what happens to the potential upgrade to the journals forum first, and decide latter.

OK, here’s the lay out.
The opening range can be completed within the first 90minuts, but some (often?) times it takes longer.
So when the first 90 minutes of trading has occurred “AND”the price is with in up to10% of the middle of ether side of the days range, I enter a bracket order at ether end of the range up to that point.

If the conditions have “NOT” been met at that time, then we wait until the 135 min. range has been completed, and use that one for entry purpose.

The stop loss is set at the last reaction high/low prior to entry. A 5m chart will be used to determine this.
The target will be a completion of the average daily range, or 4:00 NY time, which ever comes first.

All entries and stop loss will be placed at the extreme end + 1 tick

The average daily range is a 10 day average, so for instance if the 10dar is 95, and the morning range is 65, then 95 – 65 = 30 point target.

Thursday filter will not apply, Thursdays are fair game.

A 1.6 range expansion the previous day will apply.
The range will be figured using the 9:30 open.

Currently my plan is to continue posting to this method for a total of 30 trades, after that I’ll give it a rest.

One obvious problem is when the morning range is equal to or greater than the adr; in that case there will be no trade.
good luck on your journal, sulong.
Will you be posting the vanilla sidinuk results as well ? This will help to provide a baseline, as you are trying to improve sidinuks ideas. good luck.
Excellent, it's good to see someone taking the original idea and adapting it to suit themselves.

Setting a stop behind the last reaction high/low is a great idea, however this could be a little subjective - are there any rules as to how big this reaction should be, etc? I'm thinking of how it could be programmed and backtested.

Good luck with BOSSOM!
The most a LR H/L can be is the other side of the opening range, so by using a LR can only reduce the width of the stop loss in relation to the canned method, or equel to.
As far as programing, I don't know how to do that sort of thing. I scroll through each chart of each day and write down numbers from that.
Which was why I need to post charts with this journal, to show where I view the LR highs/ lows.

sidinuk said:
Excellent, it's good to see someone taking the original idea and adapting it to suit themselves.

Setting a stop behind the last reaction high/low is a great idea, however this could be a little subjective - are there any rules as to how big this reaction should be, etc? I'm thinking of how it could be programmed and backtested.

Good luck with BOSSOM!


Placed order at 8:45, (11:45 NY time) target is only 6 points. 10646 - 10557
The morning ate up 89 of the 95 average daily range.
No trades today ( no BO)
I’m happy that the trade did not happen because I don’t like the idea of risking an entry for only 5 points.

For tomorrow, the 10adr is 99

When a trade gets triggered, I'll post a chart on one of the boards to show my idea of a LR high/low.

Morning range 46 points
Entry at 10:47 @10623 stop loss at 10599 ( LRL + 1)

Stopped out at 11:21 (-24)

The 1.6% expansion filter is on for tomorrow, no trade.
Thursday 3/24/2005

Thursday 3/24/2005

So it looks like today is a holiday and the YM will only trade a half-day today.
I didn’t think to add a trade filter to deal with a half day, but now it needs to be addressed.
Looking back and guesstamating, the lower end of the usual amount of time BOSSOM is in a trade is about 50 minutes.
With that, I don’t see enough time left in the day after an entry for price to reach its goal. (On a ½ day)

What this means is that “BOSSOM” will not trade on ½ days.


Well I’m a little behind….
Today the ADR was at 98pt’s, and the morning range came in at 52pt’s.
Left a possible 45 pt target.
Range high at 10533 @ 7:48- range low at the opening 5 min’s at 10481.
Entry at “34” at 11:42 ( 93 mins. left of the trading day) Stop loss at 10500 = LRL

EOD exit at = 10508 (-26pt’s)

The ADR for tomorrow the 29th is 93


Morning range hi = 10541
Morning range low = 10478

63 pt’s
ADR = 93
93 – 63 = 30 pt’s target

LRH @ 10520

Entry at 10:16
Target reached at 11:00

ADR for Wednesday Is 100


Morning range
100 – 65 = 35pts target
High 10512 @ 8:01
Low 10447 @ 6:30
Entry 10513 @ 8:44
LRL 10493
Exit @ 12:47 target reached

ADR for tomorrow is 102


Morning range
37 pt’s
102 – 37 = 65 pt’s target
High 10553 @ 6:47
Low 10516 @ 7:15
Entry 10515 @ 9:12
LRH 10543
Stop out @ 11:28

ADR for tomorrow is 93


Morning range
105 pt's
No trade

1.6% range expansion filter in effect for Monday
No trade for Monday