hello i am draggleking a forex daytrader


hello , i am now trading in the mbtrading , and i have made stocktrading in the china and option gold forex us stock . future. mostly i have make live trade .... ..

i began my trading when i was in university chengdu electronic and technology of china , when i was in the second college year ..

i have get touch for stock , from junior middles chool,and began live from 2007 .

aften , i am crazy about the trading book, and dip more than 500days to read all kinds of the trading book that icould find in the chengdou west bookcity...

and i made from day to day

and at last i got o the mbtrading, and now i trade 200 to 400times in mbtrading everyday, and at most i trade 1600times intrades ..

and have exprience 700% in oneday. if anyone like to make friends with me and told me how to learn english , i will show hime how to make trade , if you like, i will make webrecord video for you ...
[URL="http://www.jqforex.com/attachment.php?aid=85&k=c102d9159b731108cb2cbe5348080dd3&t=1232124454"][email protected][/URL]

if you want toseemy tradingrecord and style , link to http://www.jqforex.com/attachment.php?aid=85&k=c102d9159b731108cb2cbe5348080dd3&t=1232124454

here have about 3300times trade s (which account is from 400 usd to 4000usd in seven days ) may be you will learn mystyle,

and if you want to talk with , i will be very glad ..

because iwant to learn english, an d you can skype me

my skype is draggleking ../ from china ,. please add me and lets have a talk there ....
no , i take . mbtrading.. no t metrader 4 ... you can contact with me .. .,

you can contact with me my skype is draggleking..

i am a trader now in this company , website is °²Ê¢Í¶×Ê-Ô¶¼û¶¨Î´À´|ÎÂÖÝͶ×ʹ«Ë¾|ÆÚ»õͶ×Ê|ÏîÄ¿ºÏ×÷|¹ú¼ÊóÒ×|ÆÏÌÑÑÀÆ·ÅÆ´úÀí|Î÷°àÑÀÆ·ÅÆ´úÀí .

one capital investment company located in wenzhou zhejiang china .

are you using MetaTrader4? please give us your investor password for monitor?

can you give me your contact ways please, lets have a talk ..