List of prop firms recruiting from my school. Any take on them?


Junior member
these firms are recruiting from my school
SMB capital
Jane Street Capital, LLC
Group One Trading, L.P.
Chopper Trading
WH Trading, LLC
Wolverine Trading LLC
QVT Financial LP - hedge fundish?
Gray Whale Capital - little information on the website

any advice or anything i should know about these firms? according to the school recruiting website gray whale is a prop firm but their website mentions almost nothing about it.

i am not exactly a new/unexperienced trader but would start out as one, just to get the whole "package" of their training program. i would like a prop firm that doesn't require an upfront or very little for their training - cuz from this website i heard that firms that charge a lot have little confidence in their system, etc etc.

i'm a senior at a top 5 finance biz school in the nation. i thought about applying for banks and try to get in their sales and trading division but they said they were looking for someone far more experienced(in terms of years). i m looking into prop firms cuz of the upside and immediate hands on trading as well as the education. i would say the prop firm route is a risky one considering most of my peers would be getting a stable pay while my financial future still lays on a balance. well my parents and peers are split on the extremes when it comes to this decision if anyone could provide some advice or inputs on these firms it would be greatly appreciated.
QVT seems like a genuine HF and the other seems ok as well, some smaller than others. I've heard about a few others but would say that Jane Street is definitely a better place to start than say an IB if you're looking at a career as a trader. You might also want to send your resume to First New York.
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