What kind of P&L or percentage returns are Prop shops looking for to take you on?


If you want to be taken on as a trader working for a prop shop what are the parameters used to determine which person is worth considering based on their trading P&L or percentage return they made with a specfic amount they initally started out with.

It would be very intersting to hear from the experienced guys here who have worked for props what kind of benchmark is used.

Thanks in advance
This might help.

When I sent my records in, as far as I remember, I had between 3 - 6 months profitability. Probably only about 30 - 40 trades in total but they were swing / positional type trades. Close to 90% win loss ratio. Actual amounts made were not spectacular. Return was £200 start turned into about £4,000 trading at between £1 - £5 per tick max.

Posted in this thread : http://www.trade2win.com/boards/trading-arcades/21353-futex-1st-interview-15.html